
Four roads to the expression of the centaur effect:
(1) Contiguity The strength of associations of ideas, feeling and movement is due to (a) vivid or emphatic experience of two things in conjunction or (b) frequent repetition in conjunction of two things which are not vivid or emphatic in experience.
(2) Class Relationship, or logical inclusion: coordinated activity and simple presence which leads to inclusion into the herd. Time and place are key in this inclusion.
(3) Whole and Part, or concrete inclusion; the part follows the whole or the whole follows the part in a weak but harmonious action which serves no purpose other than harmonization.
(4) Object and Quality or functional inclusion. Balancing of the elements by attending to the textures.
Inclusion, from Latin includere ‘shut in’, from in- ‘into’ + claudere ‘to shut’. There are two sense of shut; one is to point in a direction (in old English shut and shoot are related) and the other is to close a gap. It is important that contact be maintained as much as possible by class rather than by grasping for connection. Gravity is the most logical form of inclusion and presence the next.
There is a sense of geometry and ideas of perpendicular and parallel are solidified. Proportion and careful respect of magnitude are important. All applications of force are always weak enough to allow gravity and presence to be the greatest strength.
The two objects create relationship. In the centaur effect the two basic objects are the horse and human. These objects relate in two planes physical and psychological. Relationships have texture and circulate in space over time.
Empathy and compassion are the emotional version of gravity and contribute to the subjective balance. It is far easier to intuit the connection than to explain it, but explanations are needed when intuitional connections fail.
There is a strong desire which grows with experience for the centaur effect in both the human and the horse as it reduces or even eliminates any and all resistance. The centaur effect cannot occur anytime fear and a lack of trust is present. However fear also strengthens and binds the horse to the human and the human to the horse when it is overcome through mutual inclusion.